Purchase S3 RELOAD™ Die Set
Designed specifically for reloading of Shell Shock Tech's 9mm Luger S3 / NAS3 casings.
S3 RELOAD™ carbide dies set FITS 7/8-14" presses. Dies feature a unique spring-loaded mechanism to push cases out of the die, instead of pulling cases out using the rim/ejector groove
Click here for S3 Reload Die instructions - PDF
Links to Videos:
- Watch S3 RELOAD Setup Instructions
- Sound of NAS3 9mm Luger case vs brass case while sizing with S3 Reload dies
- 32 Reloads of 1 Shell Shock NAS3 9mm Luger cartridge case
The S3 Reload™ die set includes both a sizing and flaring die to ensure that the NAS3 cases achieve the maximum possible number of reloads.
The S3 Reload™ dies have been successfully tested with 5-station Hornady, RCBS, and Lee presses, for these presses the S3 Reload flaring die can be mounted in the station prior to the powder drop.
For Dillon press models that feature an integrated flaring and powder-drop tool, the standard Dillon flaring tool (with its integrated powder drop) can be used instead of the S3 Reload™ flaring tool provided that 1) the S3 Reload™ sizing tool is used in the initial sizing station 2) the flaring die is well lubricated.
As long as the overall length of the cases after sizing and flaring (using either both S3 Reload™ dies or the combination of S3 Reload™ sizing die + Dillon flaring die) is within SAMMI specifications, the cases are suitable to be loaded and fired.